In English

Patrick van Beveren is passionately involved in housing and urban renewal for the last 20 years. Currently he has a management position at the City of Amsterdam. Besides he is the chairman of KennisNetwerk Amsterdam. Patrick has two master-degrees. He studied Political Science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and he did his Master of City Administration at the Netherlands School of Public Administration (NSOB). He also worked and studied in Thailand, Pakistan and Hungary before he started his career at the City of Amsterdam.

In 2010 he started his PhD-research to input and influence of residents in relation to urban renewal in the Amsterdam Bijlmermeer (Amsterdam Southeast) and resident’s participation in formal policy development. He defended his PhD-research in public on 17th of December 2014.

Promotores: prof. dr. Jan Willem Duyvendak (UvA) and prof. dr. Frank Hendriks (UvT).

Summary Dissertation


Patrick 2014 december 17-én védte meg a disszertációját. A ‘Liber Amicorum’-ra kattintva egy személyes üzenetet küldhet.

A disszertáció rövid összefoglalása angolul

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